Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Summer Bucket List

When thinking about a bucket list what comes to mind? For me it's a few things.

1st: Crazy impossible stuff I'd like to see happen.
2nd: Stuff I can actually make happen.
3rd: Stuff that needs to happen.

So here is the list I made at the end of May (~ means I've either done it or am doing it)

Summer Bucket List

Get 30 Celebrities to take their picture with my book. Who wants to be first?

I Can Do:
Take day trips. ~

Find a waterfall. ~
Join Instagram ~
Start a #. (I have one in mind, but need to start using it)
Submit to a big name publisher. ~

Needs To Happen:
Release book 5 in Heiresses In Aprons.
Clean and Organize my office. ~
Start using my planner to focus on what needs to be done. ~
Establish a new schedule for myself so people know when not to bother me.

See I don't have that much I wanted to do, but I only have like 16 days to finish it all!

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