With that out of the way for the past few weeks I've been focusing on writing and rearanging things that I thought might help me reach the goals I decided on at the beginning of the year. Since there are still 4 titles, including book 2 in my Blackridges Series with Pink Petal Books, I'd like to get written by the end of 2012 that's where I've been putting most of my energy.
Now that isn't to say I'm not doing anything else. In fact this weekend I'm taking part in the chats and workshops going on over at http://marketingforromancewriters.org/. Basically it a an online conference to discuss marketing and stuff. I'm hoping to squeak out some hidden gems I might be missing. And last night I went out with my sister and daughter for some Bingo fun.
I'm really looking forward to attending Authors After Dark in NOLA After Dark in NOLA. I'm not attending as a Featured Author just as me. So no pressures and all the fun. I'm still bring books and promo stuff to give out so check out the Secret Cravings Publishing Roaring 20's Party if you're there. Also I'm a bit shy and will be on my own at times so come talk to me.
And because he say's it better than I can
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