Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 A Positive Start

Well as the day is officially over I wanted to stop in and say a few things I meant to say earlier.

First I wanted to wish everyone a  Happy New Year.

Second a quick rundown of last year.
 I attended AAD in New Orleans and RomFest in Tennessee. Both events were utterly fabulous. Sadly I released the last in the Brazen Sister Series. (Turns out there may be a spin off and revisists to come from this series.) I had a few other releases too.
Tempted By The Tycoon was the latest. You can check out my booklist to see what the others were.

Third and lastly plans for 2013:
I've broken this into 3 catagories.

Work wise:
I'm going to release a new series I hope everyone will love.
I hope to have book 5 & 6 of the What Are Friends For Series with Siren Publishing.
There's more Blackridge's to come from Pink Petal Books.
I"m going to be at AAD in Savannah.
                                     Promotion, I need to work on getting the word about my release out there more.

On the personal side:
I want to get my blood sugars under control again.
Going to make an effort eat healthier.
I'm going to just enjoy things more.

As for this blog:
I'm going to try and post almost daily. About what? I have no frigging idea. So beware it could be about you. Just kidding, well for some people maybe not!

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